Rabu, 20 Maret 2024

Singkatan dalam bahasa Inggris

 Singkatan dalam bahasa Indonesia sudah biasa kita dengar. Namun kali ini saya ingin memberitahukan kepada para reader mengenai singkatan yang ada dalam bahasa Inggris

1. BTW : By The Way

2. OTW : On The Way

3. PAP : Post A Picture

4. DM : Dirrect Message

5. VC : Video Call

6. SS : ScreenShot

7. COD : Cash On Delivery

8. WFH : Work From Home

9. ASAP : AS Soon As Possible

10. AFK : Away From Keyboard

11. SFH : Study From Home

12. LOL : Laugh Out Loud

13. FYI : For Your Information

14. DIY : Do It Yourself

15. FYP : For Your Page

16. AKA : As Known As

17. BRB : Be Right Back

18. FU : Follow Up

19. KEPO : Knowing Every Particular Object

20. IDK : I Don't Know

21. OOTD : Outfit Of The Day

22. OT : Over Time

23. PO : Purchase Order

24. Sherloc : Share Location

25. FGM : ForGive me

26. TMI : Too Much Information

27. OMG : Oh My God

28. TBH : To Be Honest

29. WTF : What The F*ck! 

30. E.g : Exempli Gratis

31. Etc : Etcetera

32. SH : Self Harm

Seperti itulah singkatan - singkatan yang telah banyak kita dengar atau temui namun mungkin banyak orang yang belum mengetahui singkatan apakah itu. Jadi kesimpulannya pahami, pelajari sehingga anda bisa mengerti apa saja yang akan anda pelajari. Mohon maaf bila ada salah ketikan ataupun bahasa yang kurang sopan. Mohon kritik dan saran nya untuk penulis agar lebih banyak ilmu yang di dapat juga dapat menambah pengalaman. 

Belajar di mana saja dan kapan saja

Sabtu, 29 Desember 2018

Kind of Animal (Jenis - Jenis Hewan)

Hi Guys, welcome to my blog.  Di sini tempatnya kalian yang ingin belajar bahasa inggris. Terutama buat yang mau nambah kosakata (Vocabulary) guys. Nah kali ini kita akan membahas bahasa Inggris mengenai hewan (Animal).

Do you know guys? Hewan dalam bahasa Inggris itu ada dua jenis!!!

➳Kind of Animal:
  • Tame Animal (Hewan Jinak)
  • Wild Animal (Hewan Liar)

Hewan yang Jinak (Tame Animal) berikut yang termasuk hewan jinak:
  1. Camel = Unta
  2. Canary = Burung Kenari
  3. Cat = Kucing 
  4. Cattle = Sapi Perah
  5. Chicken = Ayam
  6. Cow = Sapi
  7. Dog = Anjing
  8. Donkey = Keledai
  9. Dove = Burung Merpati
  10. Duck= Bebek
  11. Dragonfly = Capung
  12. Goat = Kambing
  13. Gold Fish = Ikan Mas Koki
  14. Goose = Angsa
  15. Hamster = Hamster
  16. Guinea Pig = Marmut
  17. Horse = Kuda
  18. Pig = Babi
  19. Sheep = Domba
  20. Rabbit = Kelinci
  21. Pigeon = Burung Dara
  22. Turtle = Kura-kura
  23. Turkey = Ayam Kalkun
  24. Monkey = Monyet
  25. Butterfly = Kupu-kupu

Hewan yang liar (Wild Animal) berikut yang termasuk hewan liar:
  1. Ape = Kera
  2. Bear = Beruang
  3. Bison = Bison
  4. Cheetah = Cheetah
  5. Crocodile = Buaya
  6. Deer = Rusa
  7. Eagle = Elang
  8. Elephant = Gajah
  9. Flamingo = Burung Flamingo
  10. Fox = Rubah
  11. Girrafe = Jerapah
  12. Gorilla = Gorila
  13. Hyena = Hyena
  14. Iguana = Iguana
  15. Jaguar = Jaguar
  16. Kangaroo = Kangguru
  17. Komodo = Komodo
  18. Leopard = Macan Tutul
  19. Lion = Singa
  20. Owl = Burung Hantu
  21. Panda = Panda
  22. Tiger = Macan
  23. Rhinoceros = Badak
  24. Shark = Hiu
  25. Scorpion = Kalajengking
  26. Snake = Ular
  27. Tapir = Tapir
  28. Wolf = Serigala
  29. Zebra = Zebra
  30. Bat = Kelelawar

 Mohon maaf bila ada kesalahan kata pada tulisan blog ini. Tinggalkan komentar agar penulis bisa memperbaiki kesalahan pada blog nya.
Trim's >,<

Jumat, 28 Desember 2018

Materi Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 SD

Materi Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris 
Kelas 1 Sekolah Dasar (SD) Semester 1

1. Greetings (Ungkapan Salam/Sapaan)
Example :

  • Hello, Good Morning! (Halo, Selamat Pagi!)
  • Hi, How are you? (Hai, Apa Kabar?)

2. Introduction (Perkenalan)
Example :

  • Hi, My name is Inge Wahyuna. You can call me Inge. (Hai, Nama saya Inge Wahyuna. Kamu bisa panggil saya Inge.)

3. Alphabet (Huruf A - Z)

4. My Face (Bagian-bagian Wajah)
Example :

  • Nose (Hidung)
  • Lips (Bibir)
  • Eyes (Mata)
  • Forehead (Kening)
  • Eyebrow ( Alis Mata)
  • Mouth (Mulut)
  • Face (Wajah)

5. Colours (Warna)

Materi Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris 
Kelas 1 Sekolah Dasar (SD) Semester 2

1. Number 1-10 (Angka 1-10)

  • One = Satu
  • Two = Dua
  • Three = Tiga
  • Four = Empat
  • Five = Lima
  • Six = Enam
  • Seven = Tujuh
  • Eight = Delapan
  • Nine = Sembilan
  • Ten = Sepuluh
2. Things in the Classroom (Benda-benda di Kelas)

3. Number 11-20 (Angka 11-20)

4. Fruits (Buah-buahan)

5. Vegetables (Sayur-Sayuran)

  • Spinach = Bayam
  • Cauliflower = Kembang kol
  • Cabbage = Kubis
  • Carrot = Wortel
  • Eggplant = Terung
  • Bean = Buncis
  • Scisory = Sawi
  • Bean Spout = Kecambah/Tauge
  • Long Bean = Kacang Panjang
  • Broccoli = Brokoli
6. Family (Keluarga)
Example :

  • Father = Ayah
  • Mother = Ibu
  • Brother = Abang/ Saudara Laki-laki 
  • Sister = Kakak/Saudara Perempuan
  • Aunt = Bibi/Tante
  • Uncle = Om/ Paman

Mohon maaf bila ada salah kata/pengucapan dalam blog ini. Mohon beri komentar untuk peningkatan pada tulisan saya yang berikutnya. Semoga blog ini bermanfaat bagi kalian semua para pembaca.
>,< Trim's

Minggu, 25 November 2018

Materi Bahasa Inggris SD

Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 5

(Benda-Benda di Sekitar Sekolah)

Flag : Bendera
Chair : Kursi
Table : Meja
Desk : Bangku
Whiteboard : Papan tulis (Putih)
Blackboard : Papan tulis (Hitam)
Book : Buku
Bag : Tas
Pen : Pulpen/Pena
Pencil : Pensil
Eraser : Penghapus
Ruler : Rol/Penggaris
Clock : Jam Dinding
School Gate : Gerbang Sekolah
Book Case : Rak Buku
Cap/Hat : Topi
Correction Pen : Tipex /Stipo
Uniform : Seragam
Tie : Dasi

Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD

Semester 1
ͽ         Numbers (Angka - angka)
ͽ         Alphabets (Huruf - Huruf)
ͽ         Name of Days (Nama - nama hari)
ͽ         My Family (Keluargaku)
ͽ         Foods and Drinks (Makanan dan Minuman)
ͽ         Clothes (Pakaian)

Semester 2
ͽ         Hobby (Kegemaran)
ͽ         Job and Occupation (Pekerjaan dan Profesi)
ͽ         Telling Time (Menyatakan Waktu)
ͽ         Transportation (Kendaraan)

ͽ         Public Place (Tempat Umum)

Senin, 05 Maret 2018

Cara membuat waffle yang enak

Waffle adalah salah satu jajanan yang banyak diminati orang banyak..  Termasuk yang nulis ini suka banget sama waffle😆😂..

Bisa di lihat di bawah ini cara membuatnya...  Di ikuti juga ya..

~Bahan pembuatan kue waffle spesial renyah garing

◽250 gram tepung terigu

◽50 gram margarin, cairkan terlebihdulu

◽2 gelas susu cair, atau 400 ml

◽½ sdt garam dapur halus

◽3 butir telur ayam,kuningnya saja

◽3 butir telur ayam, putihnya saja

◽2 sdm gula pasir putih

◽4 sdt baking powder, siap saji

◽Vanila powder, secukupnya

Cara membuat:

🌸Siapkan dua wadah berbeda untuk mencampur bahan adonan, wadah pertama silahkan anda masukan tepung terigu, gula pasir, garam halus, vanila powder, dan baking powder, aduk dahulu sampai tercampur rata

🌸Wadah kedua, silahkan anda masukan margarin yang sudah dicairkan, kuning telur dan susu cair, lalu aduk sampai rata

🌸Nah selanjutnya anda masukan adonan cair atau wadah kedua kedalam wadah pertama, lalu aduk lagi hingga semua bahan tercampur rata, sisihkan

🌸Selanjutnya anda mixer putih telur sampai berubah warna menjadi putih seperti bentuk busa sabun

🌸Masukan kembali hasil mixeran putih telur kedalam wadah pertama, dan aduk lagi sampai tercampur rata dan kalis

🌸Panaskan loyang waffle sambil olesi seluruh permukaan loyang dengan margarin, atasnya juga jangan lupa, tunggu samapi panas

🌸Tuangkan adonan waffle secukupnya, usahakan permukaan loyang tertutup sama adonan, lalu tutup

🌸Tunggulah sampai waffle matang, angkat dan hiasi setiap bagian atasnya dengan berbagai macam toping yang anda sukai

Waffle spesial renyah garing siap untuk sajikan.

Semoga berhasil ya😂😂😁😁😀

Jumat, 28 Juli 2017

RPP Bahasa Inggris Reading

School                                    : SMA ABDI NEGARA BINJAI
Subject                                   : ENGLISH
Class / Semester                   : XI / 1
Academic Year                      : 2017 - 2018
Skill                                        : Reading
Time Allocation                     : 2 x 45 minutes

A.    Standard Competency:
5. Understanding the meaning of short functional text and simple essay in reports, narrative, and analytical exposition in daily life context and to get an access of knowledge.
B.     Basic Competency:
5.2  Responding the meaning and rhetoric steps in essay using various of written languages accurately, fluently and accepted in daily life context and to get access the knowledge in the form of report, narrative, and analytical exposition.
C.    Indicator of Achieving Competence & Aims of Learning:
Culture Value & National Character:
·         Religious, honest, tolerance, hard working, independent, democratic, curiosity, spirit of nationalism, patriotism, respect for achievement, friendly, love peace, love reading, care to environmental, social care, responsibility.

Entrepreneurship/the creative economy:
·         Confident (determination, optimistic).
·         Task Oriented (motivated, diligent/resolute, be determined, energetic).
·         Risk-takers (like challenges, able to lead)
·         Orientation to the future (have a perspective for the future).
Aims of Learning:
Students are able to communicate using the English language accurately, fluently, and thanking involves speech acts expressed a feeling of relief, pain, and pleasure, as well as capable of expressing meaning in the form of a text monologue of Narrative Text.
D.    Learning Material
Narrative Text
Purpose/Social Function
To amuse, entertain and to deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, which in turn finds a resolution.
Generic Structure
·         Orientation: containing plot and characters.
·         Evaluation: evaluating the plight of the story.
·         Complication: crisis of the story.
·         Resolution: the crisis is resolved, for better or for worse.
·         Re-orientation: there is Moral value in this part.
Language Features
·         Use of Simple Past Tense
·         Use of Noun Phrases
·         Use of Connectives
·         Use of Mental Process
·         Use of Material Process (Action Verbs)
·         The use of Verbal Process (Saying Verbs)
·         Use of Adverbial Process of Time and Place

Study the following text and its structure!
The Four Friends

One day, a Mama Ostrich returned home from gathering food for her two dear chicks. She looked and looked for them but could not find them anywhere. Imagine her alarm when she discovered lion tracks around her two-footed chicks’ tracks! Fearful but determined to find her babies, she followed the lion tracks.
The tracks led into the woods and finally ended at the den of Mama Lion. In the opening through the cave there lay her own dear chicks in the arms of Mama Lion. The Mama Lion did not want to give the chicks back. She said they were her cubs. Then she challenged Mama Ostrich. She said to Mama Ostrich that if she can make an animal to look her in the eye and tell her that the chicks are not her cubs, she will give them back to her. Mama Ostrich agreed and set out to her friends to ask for help.
She told all the animals that there is an important meeting and that they should come.
Then, when she came to mongoose she told him the story and he said that he had an idea. The
Mongoose told her to make a hole under an anthill, as a second exit. Then, Mama Ostrich did just what the mongoose had told her to do.
The next morning, the entire animals gathered near the anthill. Then, Mama Ostrich told them the story and asked one of them to stare the Mama Lion in her eyes and say that the chicks were not her cubs. The animals wanted to help her but they didn’t want to risk their life. One by one they said that the chicks were her cubs. Mama Ostrich was disappointed that her friends would not help her.
When it was the mongoose’s turn he said, “Have you ever seen a mama with fur has babies that have feathers? Think of what you are saying. Mama Lion has fur! The chicks have feathers! They belong to the ostrich!” having said that, Mongoose jumped down the hole under the anthill, and escaped out the other end.
At once, Mama Lion jumped after him, and when she did so the two ostrich chicks were freed. Mama Lion could not escape from the anthill and had to stay there for a long time.

E.     Methods
Method/Strategy         : GIST (Generating Interaction between Schemata and Text)
F.     Source of Learning
·         Book XI Grade which relevance
·         LKS XI Grade which relevance
·         Dictionary

G.    Media and Tools
·         Whiteboard
·         Narrative Text

H.    Learning Activity
A.    PRE-ACTIVITY (10 minutes)
·         The teachers gave greeting to the students and invite the students to pray together.
·         The teacher checks the student’s attendance in the first.
·         The teacher prepares the students psychologically and physically to doing the activity of the learning process.
·         The teacher gave students motivation to learn contextually appropriate benefits and application of teaching materials in everyday life, with a comparison of the local, national, and international.
B.     MAIN ACTIVITY  (70 minutes)
·         The teacher gave the student opportunity to observe the narrative text that has been given seriously and carefully.
·         The students will divided into several parts based on the number of paragraph which is in the text. So each student should understand the contents of the text based on each paragraph they have been read before.
·         Teacher asked some question about the content of the text that they have read before.
·         Teacher asked some question about the structure of the text which they have read before.
·         The teacher asking question to the students randomly based on the paragraph which they read before to see their comprehension of the text which given by the teacher.
·         Facilitate students through the provision of duty do some problems related to the type of text that they can to do.
·         Provide feedback on the students by giving reinforcement in the form of oral on the students in doing their duties.
C.    POST-ACTIVITY (10 minutes)
·         Make a conclusion many things that have been studied.
·         Reflection.
·         Giving an assignment.

The Legend of the Kesodo Ceremony

Once upon a time on Mount Bromo, East Java, there were a couple living there. The new couple wanted to have a child. They had married for a long time but they hadn’t got a baby. Every time they prayed to the Gods, asking for a child.
One day, there was a loud voice in the sky when they were praying.
“You are going to born a baby, and later you will give birth to many children. But I have a requirement for you to obey, if you really want to have children”, said the voice.
“Whatever you ask, my Lord”, the couple answered, “We will do it”,
“You must sacrifice your first son for the gods”.
The couple agreed to sacrifice their first son in the time that was asked by the voice. Then, the wife got pregnant and gave birth to a son. The baby grew up into a handsome, taught man. He was named Kesuma. The couple loved Kesuma very much. The wife gave birth to eleven more children after Kesuma. And, they forget their promise to sacrifice their first son to the god.
One day, the volcano erupted. Before that, there were series of earthquakes followed by thunders in the sky. The sky was very dark, as if it was going to fall down. On the next occasion, there was a voice in the sky, reminding the couple about their promise. The couple was very afraid, but they just couldn’t sacrifice their beloved son, Kesuma. However, because the earthquakes and the thunders were becoming more and more horrifying, Kesuma couldn’t let his family and all the people in the village die.
Kesuma knew the situation. Then he said to his parents. “I would sacrifice myself in order that our family and all the people in our village will live in peace. For the next times, you all have to sacrifice animals and crops to the gods.” Then he jumped onto the crater of the volcano. Amazingly, the earthquakes and the eruption stopped at once.

1.      Where did the story happen?
2.      How many people are there in the story?
3.      When did the story happen?
4.      How did the story happen?
5.      What is the moral value?

I.       Assessment
a.       Assessment Results
Indicator of Achieving Competence
Assessment Technique
·         Identify various information in short functional text in the form of: report, narrative, and analytical exposition.
·         Identification the language features of the text which has been read.
·         Discuss the purpose of each functional text that has been discussed.


Reading Test

Answer the Question

·         What’s the purpose of the text?
·         Read the text carefully and communicatively!
·         Answer the questions based on the text!

b.      Scoring
1.      For each question, the correct answer get 20 points
2.      Maksimal score 20 x 5 = 100
3.      Best Score = 100
4.    Student score  =

Binjai, Juni 2017

English Teacher                                                           Researcher,

(…………………………)                                          (…………………………)